吴小妹 中英文简介

Lucy Wu

Lucy Wu was born in Nanjing, China to a family of professional Chinese Opera

musician and actress. At age 12 she was selected from10,000 applicants to the

National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts, the highest educational institution for

Chinese Opera.

Today, Lucy Wu is one of the premier Jinghu artists in the world. During her

career with the Beijing Chinese Opera, Wu worked with many of the greatest

Chinese Opera masters and did numerous recordings with them.

From an early age Wu envisioned combining the traditional Jinghu instrument

with Western styles of music. The Chinese Ministry of culture awarded her the

“Young Outstanding Achievement Award” for a concert she created featuring

Jinghu with a Western pop-style band.

Since moving to the United States, Lucy Wu has dedicated her artistic talent to

promoting Jinghu music to the western culture and continued to pursue breaking

down the barriers between the traditional Jinghu and Western style s of music, 

and firstly created a new, fresh sound appealing-Jinghu Rock music with Violin to

audiences in the East and the West successfully. She is the first person to break

into the American pop music industry with Jinghu. She is known as the Queen of

Jinghu and Jinghu at the First Woman.

Some notable Lucy Wu’s performances: Since 2006.

2006, 2008, 2010, invited to performed Jinghu music at Bellingham Chinese New

Year Concert Festival, Washington.

2009 Jan. 18, played Jinghu music at Microsoft Corp. Chinese New Year Gala, 

Redmond, Washington.

2009 May 10, performed Jinghu music at Meydenbauer  theater for cancer

benefit show, Bellevue, Washington.

2009 Nov. 24, Guangzhou, China, performed Jinghu at Overseas Chinese Arts


2010 Jan. 2 to 18, Seattle - Chicago Chinese Opera Tour by CCTV.

2010 Feb. 20, invited to perform at HKAW Chinese New Year Gala, Seattle

Sheraton Hotel.

2011 Jan. 8, played Jinghu music for “ Arts of China” Show in CCTV International

Channel, Beijing, China.

2011 Jan. 10 & 11, Wu Xiao Mei Jinghu Concerts in Hong Kong Cultural Center.

2011 Feb. 5, performed Jinghu rock with Geoffrey Castle at HKAW Chinese New

Year Gala, Seattle Sheraton Hotel.

2011 July 30, Payed a Concert with Geoffrey Castle in Triple Door Seattle.

2012 Jan 10, Beijing China, CCTV, representing overseas Chinese from America to

play Jinghu rock at Chinese New Year Gala of the world overseas Chinese.

2012 May 9, Shanghai China, at International Music Festival, invited to perform

Jinghu music.

2012 Aug. 25, as only invited Chinese musician, performed jinghu rock with Roger

fisher- a all time American rock star at the first annual MoonFest Rock and Roll

Music Festival in Olympia National Park.

2013 Feb. 24, performed Jinghu music at Seattle Triple Door for the concert of

Chinese New Year.

2013 May 5, invited to perform Jinghu music by City of Seattle for annual

international Sister-City Concert.

2013 Aug. 23, as only invited Chinese musician, performed jinghu rock again with

Roger fisher’s band at annual  MoonFest. 

2013 Sep. 28, Beijing China, performed Jinghu rock at the Golden Hall of National

Political Consultative Conference.

2014 Jan. 18, performing Jinghu Music at the first Hollywood Chinese New Year


2014 Mar. 7, Kent Showare Center, Concert featuring Jinghu Rock with world #1

Bee Gees tribute band.

2015 Jan. 23, performed Jinghu music in Hollywood Chinese New Year Gala with

ABBA tribute band.

2015 May 26, New York International Book Fare Opening Ceremony.

2015 Jun. 26, Kent Showare Center, Concert featuring Jinghu Rock with world #1

Bee Gees tribute band.

2015 Jul. 27, Beijing, UNSCO Concert  invited by International Music Council.

2015 Aug. 5, Beijing, MTV recording section in CCTV Music Channel.

2015 Sep. 16, London Concert in Commemoration Of The 70th Anniversary of VJ

Day and The End Of World War II featuring London Symphony and State Councillor

of China-Liu Yan Dong.

2015 Nov. 8, London, Performing Jinghu solo “ In the Deep Night” at the opening

ceremony of Board Forum For Asia.




她曾在香港文化中心音乐厅、上海国际音乐节、央视第一届全球华人春晚、美国华盛顿的摇滚音乐盛会、北京政协金色大厅、《北美好莱坞新年晚会》英国伦敦音乐会。上演绎她那独特魅力的京胡摇滚!她曾与世界著名的摇滚乐队Bee Gees及ABBA同台演出、与英国伦敦皇家交响乐团合作演出,应邀在伦敦举行的博鳌亚洲论坛会议开幕式上表演京胡独奏!应邀参加联合国教科文组织文化融合国际音乐论坛的演出。为主宾国中国在美国纽约国际书展开幕式上表演京胡音乐。

携手摇滚小提琴家Geoffrey Castle和摇滚明星Roger Fisher在美国各地举办多场音乐会。




2007, 2009, 2011年应邀与美国Bellingham市交响乐团合作,在该市的文化艺术节上演出京胡独奏。




2010, 2011,2012年连续三年应邀在美国华盛顿州中国新年GALA上表演京胡摇滚音乐。


2012年5月,她的《京胡风》组合成为上海国际音乐节的一大亮点 。

2012年和2013年连续受邀于美国摇滚巨星Roger Fisher和他的摇滚乐队,参加了一年一度在华盛顿州奥林匹亚国家公园举行的摇滚盛会! 她是唯一的一位中国音乐家。


2013年9月应邀参加在北京全国政协金色大厅举行的“迎金秋 庆佳节 海内外京剧名家名票演唱会”,表演京胡摇滚音乐。


2014 年3月7日在西雅图Kent的Showare Center(体育馆), LucyWu乐队与BeeGees乐队同台举办摇滚音乐会。

2015年1月23日重返美国洛杉矶好莱坞中国春晚, 与美国ABBA合作演出京胡摇滚音乐。


2015年6月26日再次与世界第一Bee Gees乐队合作,在美国西雅图Kent的Showare Center(体育馆)举办摇滚音乐会。



